Saturday, December 26, 2009

A national president indeed!

“Ance wai juma’ar da zata yi kyau tun daga laraba ake gane ta”
Hausa proverb.
The above proverb clearly summarizes what I intend to address. It is an old Hausa- Fulani tradition that a young boy be given a piece of land to farm on so as to be tested on how much of maturity he has attained and to be able to determine whether or not it is time to give him a bigger parcel of land and subsequently graduate him to fend for himself.
It has come to my notice that the students playing the almighty national body politics and their allies have their own priorities heavily misplaced. Common sense demands a review of an intending candidate through those people over which the person in question has governed, if the subjects are happy with the performance of the outgoing; fine and good, at least this is how people like Barrack Obama were recommended and sold to the American public.
We at the local chapter down in Unimaid were suffering under a tyrannical and oppressive regime that has no respect for the views of the majority, a leadership with no screws in them, a leadership that is proud and arrogant always claiming to be king makers, a leadership that abuses public office to personal gains and gratification, a leadership that offers its helpless subjects substandard services and materials, a leadership that eulogizes vote and electoral frauds and practices in the name of “Toronto”, a leadership that is yet to finish answering our queries , a leadership that is full of self praising in the name of Achievement! Achievement! Achievement!, a leadership full of noise and yet, some disgruntled clique of disillusioned so called politicians chose for us such a leadership as president. What a president indeed!
We intend to fight injustices and unfair marginalization till our dying days, and we feel this choice of leadership is so unfair to the forthcoming generation, our children yet unborn because the incumbent is not a moral role model. And we would like to bring to Mr. presidents notice that a We Want To Say back in school!.
If I jubilate with this leadership, it would be hypocritical, I just want to say that it is very unfortunate that as intellectually minded as Kano students are perceived, how could they have scooped so low as to choose such a leadership, I challenge us to save the next generation from doom because history has a funny way of repeating itself and we are living witnesses of the excesses of your supposed leader.
Let us come together and reason rationally, come to our senses and throw away sentiments, N.A.K.S.S will be here long after we are gone and posterity will never forgive us if we jeopardize the future structure of our union. I am but a plain Warner unto us all. Thank you for reading my piece and God bless.
Muhammad Tijjani Nakande, a freelance writer, a neo pan African, wrote in from the university of Maiduguri Nigeria, you can reach him online at or email him at

1 comment:

  1. its good to be keeping them reminded of what they have the sun will rise with people like you there will be great progress
